The Gift

Last Wednesday, my boss comes around the corner from reception. She’s wearing a little leather jacket and clearing concealing something under it.

“Hi! I have a gift for you!” She announces.

“Oh…?” My boss’s gifts in the past have been of varying range from gourmet chocolates to free swag from conferences. At this point, I was hoping for chocolate.

She proceeds to yank a large black covered book from inside her jacket.

“I’m only twelve pages into my copy, but it’s really good.” she said as she handed me Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow. I thanked her, for I will never say no to books, but due to my never-ending backlog.  I don’t stay up on new releases. I had no clue what this book was about nor did I realize that it had been released the day before.

I haven’t had a book this hot off the press since Harry Potter. Nevertheless, I happened to have only nine pages of my current book left with no back up book lurking in my bag thus it seemed like fate.

Before I actually started reading it, I did a little homework and learned what it was about on a marco-level and then just dove in. All the reviews, I had seen were rave but for me the first portion wasn’t tantalizing. Yes, it was a quick read, but it didn’t have me by the lapels. It felt disjointed, and I was a little befuddled at what exactly Mr. Farrow was getting at.

However, at a certain point, the scales tipped. Things started to click into place. Those disjointed puzzle pieces started to make sense. I understood what this was really about. It was here that the book took an upswing. I understood the rave in those reviews.

Due to the beginning, it wasn’t an out of the park read, but it was worthy of praise. I gave it four well-deserved stars and would recommend this book to everybody.

Until next time, happy reading!

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